9 Creative Marketing Tips for the Introverted Stylist

Personally I have never been the type to walk up to anyone and spark a conversation. I applaud the people who can. Working a room isn’t my forte, unless there’s tequila involved. One thing I am great at is marketing. I’ve always used social media to market my businesses. And its worked for me. Although we can’t forget the power of printed marketing. People still want to physically see the efforts youre putting out their to be acknowledged. 

One of my marketing tips for introverted beauty pros went viral, and it’s helping so many of yall. I love that. Now here’s 8 more. If you missed the first tip, watch it here.

Tip #2 - Print flyers in color. NOT black and white. Color is more appealing. Staples offers printing services. Or print directly with Canva. You want to include information like how to contact you. A picture of your best work. Make it eye catching. Include a QR code to your website, social media, or booking website. I suggest linking it to you Linktree. Hang these flyers everywhere. I chose the parking lot of a huge beauty supply store in my area. Use lots of tape :)

Tip #3 - DIY Scratchoffs. I created scratch off cards for my salon. My clients loved them. I gave them to every client before leaving out. The scratch off stickers can be purchased here. I have a template for the scratch off cards for quick creating. Who wouldn’t love to win $$ off their next service. It’s a sure way to get your clients talking and telling all their friends about you. 

Tip #4 - Signs! I have framed signs in my salon and suite. They’re posted where clients will notice them. I have signs for coupons, reminders to tag me in their selfies, tips for services and my retail sign. They’re in an aesthetic frame which def helps. 

Tip #5 - Everyone loves gifts. Which is why I made take home goodie bags for clients. Inside I include hair clips, shower caps, hair ties, and of course business cards. At least 2. I buy things from SHEIN. Including the bags I put everything in. This will also keep your clients talking. Word of mouth is powerful. Let your clients do some of the marketing for you. 

Tip #6 - Custom stickers for, everything. Put them on poles, bathroom doors, or plastic cups when you serve your clients drinks. I see so many stories posted of whatever someone’s drinking. Your client will do the same. Perfect and simple marketing tool. Your business will be seen by all of their followers for the next 24 hours. Print stickers from Canva, they’re very inexpensive. Cups are from Amazon.

Tip #7 - Lawn signs. While driving have you ever noticed the signs stuck in the grass? For politicians looking to be reflected and someone offering to mow your lawn. This is part of guerilla marketing. The signs can be created on the Staples website. You risk them being removed but it doesn’t hurt to try it anyway.

Tip #8 - Pinterest. Just like other apps, so many girls log onto Pinterest to find inspo. Why not use it for your business. I pin things to my boards often. 

Tip #9 - Airdrops. I learned this tip from a photographer. They let me know that whenever I’m in a large crowd I can airdrop my business card

to everyone. I prefer to do this before I head out. Here’s a template to use.

These tips can help you build clientele. And gain recognition. If you have any other tips you want to add drop a comment below. If you plan on using these tips or found them helpful, share it with your friends. 

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